
Showing posts from May, 2013

Where time stands still, free from technology: a reflection on the Carpathians

I often feel that I was born in the wrong century and belong in a different era. I can hardly keep up with modern times, things are changing so fast. I know, I sound like Brooks from The Shawshank Redemption – but don’t worry, I don’t plan on topping myself (belated spoiler alert: sorry if you haven’t seen it). Oh great, another technophobia-themed rant Regular readers will no doubt be familiar with my posts on technology and its failings and my slavish adherence to Ludditism. I’ve long been a fully-fledged, paid-up member of the club. I don’t want to rant and rave yet again, but I had a few thoughts and reflections as I spent last week hiking and biking in the cool, fresh air of the Carpathians. (in western Ukraine, for my non-local audience) Now, I’m all for innovation and progress but…at what cost? The modern world and its gadgets confound and overwhelm me. And I know that every [good] artist has to change his canvas at some point, but…after a certain point, it al

Every good artist has to change his canvas. At some point

‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ Socrates ‘What if the examined life turns out to be a clunker as well?’ Kurt Vonnegut ‘Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to.’ Saul Bellow I once quoted Socrates at the beginning of an angst-ridden, existentialist-funk themed post sometime in 2010. Relax – I’m not about to do the same. But it has been a while. February 2012 was my last post…I wonder if anyone had given me up for dead? I’ve been putting this off for long enough, so I think I can be forgiven for asking myself ‘where do I begin?’ At the end of that post, I pontificated on what it meant that 2012 was set to become a busy year with that wretched Delta on tap – what was it going to mean for this blog? I didn’t expect to junk it altogether. Although time got the better of me, the real reason was more of extended ‘creative’ writer’s block, plus a lack of inspiration and motivation. The Delta required such a dif